Hic lapis est subtus te, quantum ad obedientiam: supra te, quo ad dominium: ergo a te, quantum ad scientiam: circa te, quantum ad aequales.


Chess problems database

A database collection of 4490+ chess problems along with comments and solutions in CBH format. ChessBase Reader 2017 is a free reader that can be downloaded from ChessBase.

Last updated on February 9th 2025.

Download (zip file, 1.72 MB)

Offered under the MIT License terms. The software is provided "as is", use it only at your own risk.

Genii magazine index

This is a free-of-charge service to the magic community that indexes all of the Genii Magazine issues from the Kaufman era, starting from 1999 up until nowadays. If you have back issues available and would like to collaborate, do not hesitate to let me know.

Database hosting is expensive. Since the service is hosted in a free-of-charge-user server, the hosting company adds some unobtrusive advertising at the bottom of the webpage and limits the bandwidth usage. Some brief information about the filling in of the fields:

• Year: only years starting from 1999 until 2024. Any other value will return 0 results.

• Month: either the full o short form of the month name; e.g. january, jan.

• Section: there are only six sections: feature, column, magicana, book/trick/video review.

• Content: any text that is part of the title of the item.

• Person: either the name (short or full) of the author of the article or the magician related to it.

Access here (it opens in a new window)

All images, trademarks, and content copyrighted, and all rights reserved by The Genii Corporation, 1936-2019.

Center windows

A tiny tool that centers any visible window in the screen. The target window can be either selected from a list or using the mouse pointer. The window detection algorithm relies on the EnumWindows API function. Please download the latest version from the project's GitHub site.

• App type: desktop (Win32 executable).

• OS platform: Windows (tested in Windows 10 x64).

• Requirements: .NET framework 4.5.2 or above.

• Programming language: Visual C#.

Download (zip file, 66 KB)

Offered under the MIT License terms. The software is provided "as is", use it only at your own risk.

Memory game (Simon says)

This software is still under development. Only a pre-alpha version is available. Please download the latest version from the project's GitHub site.

• App type: desktop (Win32 executable).

• OS platform: Windows (tested in Windows 10 x64).

• Requirements: .NET framework 4.5.2 or above.

• Programming language: Visual C#.

Download (zip file, 64 KB)

Offered under the MIT License terms. The software is provided "as is", use it only at your own risk.

Directory size

A tool to calculate the size of folders. It also shows a graphic representation of the space distribution of a selected folder. Please download the latest version from the project's GitHub site.

• App type: desktop (Win32 executable).

• OS platform: Windows (tested in Windows 10 x64).

• Requirements: .NET framework 4.5.2 or above.

• Programming language: Visual C#.

Download (zip file, 44 KB)

Offered under the MIT License terms. The software is provided "as is", use it only at your own risk.

Memory numbers

A short-term memory game. Memorise and repeat a random numeric sequence. Please download the latest version from the project's GitHub site.

• App type: desktop (Win32 executable).

• OS platform: Windows x64.

• Requirements: .NET framework 4.8 or above.

• Programming language: Visual C#.

Download alpha-v0.1 (zip file, 1.07 MB)

Offered under the MIT License terms. The software is provided "as is", use it only at your own risk.

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